miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

Consejo para Pawlenty

Matt Continetti aconseja a Pawlenty en el Weekly Standard:

(...) Speaking of 2012, Tim Pawlenty has a problem. He's a capable, successful, two-term conservative governor of a blue state, running in a GOP field that's packed with celebrities.

(...) If you're Pawlenty, then, you need a way to separate yourself from the pack. So you publish a self-indulgent memoir. You release a ridiculous promotional video that looks like it was directed by Michael Bay. You are tempted to make heated rhetorical pronouncements.

One wonders, though, if Pawlenty would be better served not doing such things. Why try to compete with the big fish in the cable-news pond when you could focus instead on building organizations in Iowa and New Hampshire? Voters may come to like your soft-spoken, results-oriented, hockey-loving charm. While Romney and Huckabee and the rest beat up on each other, you can play the adult. After all, in many ways a nomination fight is a process of elimination. Everyone else has their flaws. Play your cards right, and you could end up the last person standing. (...)

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Quien en las últimas horas se ha posicionado abiertamente a favor de la candidatura de Thune en el líder de manoría republicano en el Senado McConnell. Diversos medios están anunciando que es muy posible que sea Thune el primero que anuncie de forma oficial su candidatura a la Presidencia.

Un abrazo

Casto Martín