viernes, 7 de enero de 2011

Buddy Roemer se suma a la lista

Buddy Roemer, el que fuera Gobernador de Louisiana (1988-1992) por el Partido Demócrata, ahora afiliado al GOP, de 67 años, es otro nombre que podemos sumar a la lista de posibles aspirantes a la Casa Blanca en 2012, según John Maginnis (de Louisiana Politics).

(...) Roemer for President?

Despite Bobby Jindal swearing off it, there could still be a Louisiana governor running for president in 2012. Buddy Roemer says he's thinking about it.

"It certainly interests me. There is a lot of work to be done," the former governor and bank president told LaPolitics. "I am making no announcement. I am not running today," he said. "It will take months to work out if it happens. I don't want to scare anyone."

Whether as a candidate or not, he sees the need for a different approach from "the professional corruption in politics" created by how presidential candidates raise money. (...)

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