martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

Romney y la insontitucionalidad del ObamaCare

El Boston Herald se pregunta cómo puede afectar a Mitt Romney la batalla legal sobre la constitucionalidad de una parte de la reforma sanitaria de Obama, por aquello de su ley sanitaria de Massachusetts.

(...) “The longer this goes on and the more it’s in the headlines, the worse for Romney,” said Larry Sabato, who heads the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics. “When will it get to the Supreme Court? At least a year. That puts it right in the middle of the presidential political season — which would be a nightmare for Romney.”

(...) “Obviously he’s got a problem regardless of how the courts rule,’’ Sabato said. “He’s got a political problem here, not a legal problem.

Romney’s spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom lauded Hudson’s ruling yesterday, repeating Romney’s argument that states should have the power to control their own health-care systems, not federal officials.

“The ruling supports Mitt Romney’s view that Obamacare is an unconstitutional power grab by Washington. We should repeal the law and return to the states the power to determine their own health-care solutions,” said Fehrnstrom in a statement.

Andy Smith, a University of New Hampshire political professor, said the Virginia ruling could provide some “cover” for Romney.

“It gives him more credence to say that what happened in Massachusetts was OK because it was done within state boundaries,” Smith said. “But I would imagine he feels that the less said about health care, the better.” (...)

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